Diagram of shadow effects Create a shadow diagram to serve as the foundation for landscape design. 1. Shadow diagram project 13 2. Project description Location: 463 Hawthorne Ave Yonkers NY Industry: Landscape diagram Project duration: 1-7 days Create a shadow diagram to serve as the foundation for landscape design. 3. Final Report After completing all […]
Diagram of shadow effects Create a shadow diagram to serve as the foundation for landscape design. 1. Shadow diagram project example 09 2. Project description Location: CA 92399, USA Industry: Landscape diagram Project duration: 1-7 days Create a shadow diagram to serve as the foundation for landscape design. 3. Final Report After completing all the […]
Diagram of shadow effects Create a shadow diagram to serve as the foundation for landscape design. 1. Shadow diagram project example 05 2. Project description Location: Thung Nai – Hoa Binh – VietNam Industry: Landscape diagram Project duration: 1-7 days Create a shadow diagram to serve as the foundation for architect & landscape design. 3. […]
Diagram of shadow effects Create a shadow diagram to serve as the foundation for landscape design. 1. Shadow diagram project 03 2. Project description Location: Nigbo city, China Industry: Landscape diagram Project duration: 1-7 days Create a shadow diagram to serve as the foundation for landscape design. 3. Final Report After completing all the simulations, […]
Diagram of shadow effects Create a shadow diagram to serve as the foundation for landscape design. 1. Shadow diagram project example 08 2. Project description Location: Baguo city, Philippines Industry: Landscape diagram Project duration: 1-7 days Create a shadow diagram to serve as the foundation for landscape design. 3. Final Report After completing all the […]
Shadow Maps at Israel – shadow maps for a master plan Shadow Maps at Lakhish, Israel Shadow Maps at Israel. Project I did in Lakhish, Israel. In this project, the customer wants to make a site analysis (shadow maps + winds + view analysis) to include in the presentation. The process of receiving data from […]
Shadow Maps at Australia – shadow maps for a master plan https://youtu.be/-8qjmgGNHD4 Shadow Maps at Australia. In this project, the customer wants to make a Site analysis (Shadow Maps/ Shadow diagrams + Winds + Views analysis) to include in the presentation Customer data includes: 3D model of the area to be studied and coordinates. And […]
Shadow Maps for Kuwait – Shadow maps for a master plan Shadow Maps for Kuwait. In this project, the customer wants to make a site analysis ( Shadow Maps + Winds + Views ) to include in the presentation. Customer data includes: 3D model of the area to be studied and coordinates. And the main […]
Shadow Maps at USA – shadow maps for a master plan https://youtu.be/a1R0Ej0Uib8 This is a project I did in NY-USA. The data sent to me by the customer includes: Coordinates of the location of the project and 3D file (concept) of the project. I put the 3d file into Sketchup and pinned its exact coordinates. […]